photographer: Thomas Ulrich によるPixabayからの画像
Kikuko Nagayoshi
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: online right-wingers, netto uyoku, Internet, cyber racism, voting behaviour, Japan, radical right parties
DOI: 10.5509/20219415
Since the early 2000s, Japan has witnessed the growing salience of so-called netto uyoku (online right-wingers). This group is characterized by strong anti-China and anti-Korea sentiments, nationalistic political views, and online political engagement. While online radical right movements in Europe are often regarded as support bases for radical right candidates or parties, few studies have investigated whether this assumption applies to Japanese online right-wingers. The present study sought to shed light on this issue by conducting a large-scale web survey with 77,084 respondents living in the greater Tokyo metropolitan area. Respondents were registered monitors for a research company. The large sample size enabled multivariate analyses to clarify the characteristics of online right-wingers in comparison to other respondents. The results indicated that 1.5 percent of the respondents (1,167) could be classified as online right-wingers and, in contrast with the political discontent hypothesis, most online right-wingers had a high degree of external political efficacy and lower levels of populist attitudes relative to other respondents. This suggests that online right-wingers trusted and remained satisfied with the current political conditions. Furthermore, they were more likely to vote, especially for established conservative parties, suggesting an affinity among online right-wingers for traditional conservative parties and candidates. These findings indicate that, unlike in Europe, Japanese online right-wingers are not a support base for radical right candidates and parties. In Japan, which is under a right-leaning government, online right-wingers have not become a driving force for emergent radical right parties.
自21世纪初起,日本见证了所谓“网络右翼分子”的兴起。这个群体以强烈的反华和反韩情绪、民族主义政治观点以及参与网络政治活动为特征。尽管网络激进右翼运动通常被视为激进右翼候选人或者政党的选民基础,然而对于这个假设是否适用于日本的网络右翼分子却很少有研究加以考察。本研究通过对居住在大东京都市圈的77,084位受访者进行大规模网络调查,尝试解答此问题。受访者是注册于某一研究公司的电脑用户。样本规模庞大,足以进行多元变量分析以厘清网络右翼分子与其它受访者相比具有的特征。结果显示1.5%的受访者(1,167)可以被归类为网络右翼分子,而且与政治不满假设相反,大多数网络右翼分子跟其它受访者相比具有高度的外部政治效能感,民粹主义态度水平更低。 这表示网络右翼分子信任并且满意于当下的政治境况。进一步而言,他们更有可能去投票,特别是投给建制派的保守党,这表明网络右翼分子跟传统保守党派和候选人之间具有亲缘性。这些发现说明跟欧洲不同,日本的网络右翼分子不是激进右翼候选人和政党的基础选民。在日本的右倾政府治下,网络右翼分子尚未成为激进右派政党兴起的驱动力量。
Translated from English by Li Guo