Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Keywords: state capacity, political legitimacy, state-in-society, democratic backsliding, pandemic governance
DOI: 10.5509/2023963469
Drawing on a variety of material—mass and social media texts, government reports, and everyday observations—this article examines two interrelated dynamics in Malaysia in 2020–2021: the COVID-19 pandemic’s unfolding local trajectory and the short-lived Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition’s governance capacity. Despite political instability resulting from this government’s rise to power following internal political manouevrings, it managed to effectively control a major wave of cases with the help of a centralized healthcare system manned by permanent professional staff and the imposition of coercive measures. Thus, Malaysia’s success in “governing” the early phase of the pandemic is arguably attributable to its strong state infrastructure, notwithstanding the untimely unfolding of this political coup. However, an ideal type approach—that is, concern with state capacity—is inadequate in making sense of subsequent failures to control the pandemic after a state election took place several months later. Using Migdal’s “state-in-society” approach, this article focuses on the political process of pandemic governance to shed light on Malaysia’s shifting state capabilities. Arguably, the resulting shifting responses were mainly shaped by: (1) continuous partisanship; (2) PN’s internal fragmentation; (3) PN’s complacency in initially “flattening the curve”; and (4) poor governance during the state election.
本文利用大众和社交媒体文本、政府报告以及日常观察等各种资料检视了马来西亚在2020年到2021年期间两种相互关联的动态:新冠大流行在当地的发展轨迹以及短暂的国民联盟(Perikatan Nasional, PN)联合政府的治理能力。尽管联合政府通过内部政治操作之后的上台带来了政治不稳定,它还是通过由固定的专业医疗人员服务的集中化的医疗体系以及施加强制性的手段而设法有效地控制了一大波感染。因此,尽管此次政变发生的不是时候,马来西亚在疫情早期的成功”治理”可以说是归功于强有力的国家基础设施。然而,关于国力考量的理想类型的方法却不足以解释几个月后州选举之后在疫情控制上的后续失败。本文利用米格道尔的“社会中的国家”方法聚焦于疫情治理的政治过程,揭示了马来西亚国家能力的不断变迁。可以说,疫情应对的变迁主要是被以下因素影响导致:(1)持续的党派之争;(2)国民联盟内部分裂;(3)国民联盟在初期“压平曲线”中的自大;以及(4)在此次州政府选举期间治理不力。
Translated by Li Guo