Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: Thailand, hydropower, development, political ecology, Mekong, monarchy
DOI: 10.5509/2024972-art2
The Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project entered operation in October 2019. After this the Mekong started to behave strangely—the water ran blue and clear instead of red and silty, and the great backflow of the river into Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake arrived off schedule or, at times, threatened to not arrive at all. Villagers who had remained ambivalent or apathetic about hydropower issues suddenly found themselves facing a radically altered world, where a seemingly distant power was able to dramatically alter the nature of their every day. These shifts introduced an arrhythmia into the hydroscape: ecological, fishing, and religious cycles adapted to a seasonal river were off sync with power demands.
The radical alteration that dams make to the landscape, in the promise of irrigation, electrification, and the sheer feat of changing a river, are a tangible symbol of the state’s power over its land. But with a deep look into hydropower projects—in this case, the dams across the midstream of the Mekong in Laos and China—the story grows more convoluted. Here are conflicting narratives of power: state-focused, international, and royalist; as well as religious, ecological, and hydrosocial. Here, too, as I found in my eight years of fieldwork in Lao-speaking Thailand, is an alteration in time, where the rhythms of the river change the rhythms of life, and where the cyclical riparian clock clashes with a future-oriented developmentalist notion of time.
沙耶武里水力发电项目于2019年10月投入运营。此后的湄公河开始表现得异常: 河水不再呈红色和夹杂淤泥,而是变得碧蓝清澈,而且注入柬埔寨洞里萨湖的大回流也未如期到达—— 或是不时威胁着根本不会抵达。此前对水力发电问题抱持矛盾或者冷漠态度的村民突然发现自己面对一个被彻底改变的世界,其中一个看似遥远的权力能够极大地改变他们日常生活的性质。这些变化给水景带来了一种心律失常:与一条季节性河流相适应的生态、渔业和宗教循环与对电力的需求并不同步。
Translated by Li Guo