Tu Phuong Nguyen
Griffith University, Nathan, Australia
Keywords: precarity, social insurance, state workers, law, Vietnam
DOI: 10.5509/2019924665
This paper contributes to the literature on precarity in Asia by examining the way in which state law interacts with social, political and ideological factors in shaping experiences of precarity. In contrast with studies of precarity that see law as a set of state regulations underpinning individual workers’ precarious economic and political status, this paper adopts a socially grounded view of law that incorporates workers’ understandings of and engagements with state law in commonplace settings. It also adopts a view of precarity as a complex dynamic of social, legal, and political processes shaping and reproducing workers’ experiences of insecurity and vulnerability at work, rather than a broad, identity-based category of non-standard and informal types of employment. Through an ethnographic study of former state workers’ working experiences in Vietnam, this paper sheds light on different aspects of workers’ collective and individual struggles against precarity and workplace injustice, and the role that law plays in these struggles. It argues that law contributes to reinforcing workers’ precarious experiences, which are underpinned by the tension between their expectations grounded in the socialist era and the realities of workplace injustice and insecurity in a market economy.
本文通过考察在不稳定性的塑造过程中,国家法律与社会、政治以及意识形态因素相互作用的方式,对亚洲不稳定性研究加以丰富。跟其它的不稳定性研究相对照,本文并非将法律视为一套维护个体工人不稳定的经济和政治身份的国家法规,而采取了一种植根于社会的法律视角,结合了工人们对国家法律的理解以及在普通情境下与国家打交道的经历。 本文还将不稳定性视为塑造以及复制工人们在工作中经历的不安全感以及易受伤害性的一个社会、司法以及政治的复杂的动态过程,而非一个非常态的、非正式的, 宽泛的、以身份为基础的雇佣类型的概念。通过用民族志方法对越南的前国家工人的工作经历的研究,本论文揭示出在工人们集体以及个体对抗不稳定性以及工作场所不公正现象的抗争的不同方面,以及法律在他们的抗争中起到的作用。本文提出法律强化了工人们所经历的不稳定性 ,而这些不稳定性体验是建立在他们于社会主义时期形成的期望值与市场经济中工作场合的不公正以及不安全感的现实之间的矛盾之上的。
Translated from English by Li Guo
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