University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Keywords: Pakistan, COVID-19, State-in-society, Pakistan military, pandemic politics, health
DOI: 10.5509/2022954731
This paper takes a “state-in society” approach to understanding the evolution of Pakistan’s COVID-19 response, which was laid claim to and contested by multiple agencies within and adjacent to the state, and by multiple levels of government. The capacity of the health system of Pakistan was already overstretched by the needs of its population but in recent years it has been hamstrung by ongoing protests by the medical community concerning the privatization of public-sector hospitals, to which were added protests over the lack of personal protective equipment in the public sector. These protests resulted in frequent closures of outpatient departments at major hospitals. When the government announced a relief package to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, traders and big businesses lobbied the government to obtain the lion’s share in the form of concessions such as loan deferments and tax refunds. The government touted the unconditional cash grants program but the cash for the poor could not be disbursed effectively due to the absence of local governments at the grassroots level. As an appropriate response to the pandemic, especially in relation to the lockdown policies, was contested and negotiated among multiple actors in the Pakistani state and society, the Pakistani military emerged as a dominant force in this “field of power.”1 In this paper, I present an account of Pakistan’s response to COVID-19 as it evolved in 2020 and discuss the implications for democratic culture in Pakistan.
[i] Joel S. Migdal, State in society: Studying how states and societies transform and constitute one another (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001).
本论文通过一种“社会中的国家”的方法来理解巴基斯坦新冠疫情应对的演进过程——国家内部以及毗邻国家的多种机构以及各级政府均有宣称对此负责或者提出异议。 巴基斯坦的卫生体系原本已经因为人口需求而负荷超载,近年来又因医护人员反对公共部门医院私有化而一直进行的抗议活动,再加上公共部门缺少个人防护装备而引起的抗议活动等而备受掣肘。这些情况导致大医院的门诊部门频繁关闭。当政府为缓解疫情影响而宣布一系列救济计划时,贸易商和大企业游说政府,以贷款延期和退税等形式的优惠获得其中最大份额。政府高度炒作所谓的无条件现金补助,但由于缺少基层的地方政府,救助穷人的现金无法有效发放下去。而随着巴基斯坦国家和社会中的多个行动者就何为恰当的应对疫情的措施—特别是有关封城政策的措施—进行争议和磋商,巴基斯坦军队在这个“权力场”中作为主导力量崛起。在本论文中,我对巴基斯坦随着2020年新冠肺炎的演化而做出的应对提出了一种解释,并讨论了这种应对方式对巴基斯坦的民主文化的意义。
Translated by Li Guo
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