Tom Smith
University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Joseph Anthony L. Reyes
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Keywords: Election violence, Philippines, assassination, New People’s Army, terrorism
DOI: 10.5509/2021943491
Despite election violence being a commonly agreed upon phenomena in the Philippines, there had been a dearth in academic research in recent years, largely due to the lack of reliable sources of information. To address this, this article adapts recognised methods from studies such as Newman’s 2013 paper, together with McGrath and Gill’s 2014 research on terrorism and elections. To expose the timing of election violence, incidents were tracked relative to election dates for the period from 2004–2017, with the results indicating violence increases closer to an election date, and frequency substantially increased during the 14-year period. This is the first academic journal article since Linantud in 1998 to focus on the issue of election violence in the Philippines but through adaptive methodologies goes further to make national analysis. Furthermore, findings reveal statistically significant differences on the types of terrorist attacks and types of targets when comparing election and non-election periods. Complicating factors are explored in relation to majority of attacks attributed to ‘unknown’ actors and the complex situation during elections. The results also demonstrate that election violence in the Philippines is dominated by the New People’s Army and the use of assassination. The paper makes the case for further research and the creation of a dedicated database of election violence in the Philippines and elsewhere, and finally evaluating these few measures implemented by the government that have failed to stem election violence.
关键词:选举暴力, 菲律宾, 刺杀, 新人民军, 恐怖主义。
尽管选举暴力在菲律宾是一个公认的现象,但是近年来这方面的学术研究欠奉,这在很大程度上是因为缺少可靠的信息资源。针对这一困难,本文对现有的2013年纽曼的论文以及马克格雷斯和吉尔2014年对恐怖主义和选举的研究中已经得到认可的方法进行了改进。为揭示选举暴力的时间性,本文参照选举日期对2004-2017年期间的暴力事件进行了追踪,结果表明暴力随着选举日的接近而增加,而且在此14年期间暴力事件发生频率显著上升。本论文是自利南图德1998年的研究以来第一篇关注菲律宾选举暴力的学术论文,但是通过采用改进性的方法论得以更进一步,进行全国性的分析。进一步而言,研究发现揭示出对选举和非选举时期恐怖袭击的类型和袭击目标的类型进行比较,结果都有统计上的显著差异。 本文也对大多数被归结为选举期间“未知”的行动者以及复杂情况造成的暴力袭击事件的复杂因素进行了探究。 结果也表明菲律宾的选举暴力是由新人民军主导,利用刺杀手段实现的。本论文证明了有必要进一步加以研究,并建立菲律宾以及其它地方选举暴力的专门的数据库,最终对政府所推行的但未能成功阻断选举暴力的寥寥措施进行评估。
Translated from English by Li Guo
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