Danielle Labbé
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Keywords: Periurban, land politics, popular resistance, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI: 10.5509/2011843435
This paper discusses the recent rise in land disputes in the rapidly urbanizing outskirts of Hanoi. It presents emerging social conflicts as resulting from a clash between the rules and practices of urbanization as devised and regulated locally by periurban people and the territorialisation project that municipal authority and land developers try to impose on them. At the heart of these conflicts is the compulsory acquisition of large tracts of periurban land by state-backed developers and reforms of local institutions that facilitate this process. Using the case of a village recently annexed to the city, this paper examines how local people resort to contentious politics to resist this urban encroachment. The paper finds that groups of elderly assumed a leading role in crafting and deploying acts and discourses of resistance, relying on state-promoted values to support their claim. It further suggests that, while periurban villagers acknowledge the necessity of integrating their locality into Hanoi’s urban fabric and governance system, they rise up when this process threatens moral relationships inherited from the prerevolutionary and collectivization periods.
本文探討最近在河內周邊地區急速城市化過程中增漲的土地糾紛。本文認為新浮現的社會矛盾是都市周邊地區人民本土籌畫和規範的城 市化法規和實踐與市政府和土地開發商試圖強加給他們的區域劃分項目之間的衝突的結果。這一矛盾的核心是有國家做後盾的開發商對都市周邊地區大片土地的強製 性並購以及對促進這一過程的本土機構所進行的改革。通過對一個最近被強行並入城市的村子所進行的實例研究,本文考察了當地人民如何求助於抗爭政治來抵制這 一城市對農村的侵蝕。本文發現一批長者依托國家推廣的價值觀來支持他們的訴求,並在籌畫和部署抵抗行動和抵抗話語方面擔負了領導角色。本文認為,雖然都市 周邊地帶農民認可將他們所在地區與河內城市結構和行政體系整合的必要性,但當這一過程威脅到從革命之前和集體化時期所傳承下來的道德關係時,他們將拍案而 起。
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