Diya Mehra
South Asian University, New Delhi, India
Keywords: Delhi, urban decentralization, Bhagidari, governance, politics
DOI: 10.5509/2013864813
Since 2000 in New Delhi, urban decentralization has mainly come in the form of the highly visible Bhagidari or partnership scheme, inviting city residents to participate in a “process of dialogue and the discovery of joint-solutions.” This paper critically examines this program between 2000 and 2012, through the experiences of primarily middle-class neighbourhood organizations (called Resident Welfare Associations, or RWAs) that were included in the scheme. The paper argues that rather than constitutional decentralization, Bhagidari as an initiative must be read in terms of a larger shift to entrepreneurial governance. Bhagidari’s success has been in delegating management to voluntary middle-class neighbourhood associations called RWAs, at little cost to city government, while seemingly opening up a “participatory” space for middle-class urban residents in civic affairs. However, the article argues that Bhagidari’s impact has come to represent an attempt at harnessing and managing the new middle-class aspiration to engage with urban government for administrative and political ends. In this context, Bhagidarihas also been seen as an important means of cultivating middle-class consent and a constituency through courting RWAs for an ambitious chief executive. Over time, this has become a common strategy for building political and civic visibility for a range of actors, and thus the number of RWAs has proliferated.
自2000年以來新德里城市治理的分權主要採取的是著名的Bhagidari或夥伴計劃方式。該方法邀請城市居民參與到“對話與發現聯合解決方案過程”中。通過研究參與了該計劃的社區組織──主要由中產階級組成的居民福利協會(或RWAs)──的經驗,本文批判性地考察了在2000-2012年間施行的這一項目。本文認為,Bhagidari倡議應該被看作是代表了一個更大的趨勢──即向企業治理的轉變,而非僅僅是憲政分權。 Bhagidari的成功依賴於授權給自願參與的中產階級鄰里協會RWAs,其結果是城市政府付出很小的代價,卻似乎為城市中產階級居民開闢了“參與”公民事務的空間。但本文認為,Bhagidari項目是一項嚐試,旨在利用和管理中產階級為達到其行政和政治目的爾希望介入城市政府管理的新願望。在此背景下,Bhagidari也可以被看作是一個通過向RWAs尋求雄心勃勃的首席執行官而培育中產階級共識和選區的重要手段 。隨著時間的推移,這已成為一系列的政治人物樹立政治和公民能見度的常見策略,由此RWAs的迅猛發展也就不足為奇了。
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