Volume 81 – No. 2

June 2008

Special Issue

Migration and Mobility

Guest Editors: Don DeVoretz and David Zweig


Review Essays

Critical Dialogues

Film Reviews

Asia General Back to Tags ^

REGIONALISM AND GLOBALIZATION IN EAST ASIA: Politics, Security & Economic Development. By Mark Beeson.Reviewed by Hui Feng

THE GEOPOLITICS OF GLOBALIZATION: The Consequences for Development. By Baldev Raj Nayar.Reviewed by Howard Lentner

TOWARD AN EAST ASIAN EXCHANGE RATE REGIME: Edited by Duck-Koo Chung and Barry Eichengreen.Reviewed by Tony Cavoli

GENDER, SEXUALITY, AND BODY POLITICS IN MODERN ASIA: By Michael G. Peletz.Reviewed by Johanna Hood

China & Inner Asia Back to Tags ^

CHINESE OVERSEAS: Migration, Research and Documentation. Edited by Tan Chee-Beng, Colin Storey and Julia Zimmerman.Reviewed by Yuen-fong Woon

CITIES IN MOTION: Interior, Coast, and Diaspora in Transnational China. Edited by Sherman Cochran and David Strand; General Editor, Wen-hsin Yeh.Reviewed by Bill Sewell

CHINESE TRANSNATIONAL NETWORKS. Edited by Chee-Beng Tan.Reviewed by Madeline Hsu

SOCIAL CHANGE IN CONTEMPORARY CHINA: C.K. Yang and the Concept of Institutional Diffusion. Edited by Wenfang Tang and Burkart Holzner.Reviewed by T.J. Cheng

RISING STAR. China’s New Security Diplomacy. By Bates Gill.Reviewed by Christian Constantin

SOCIAL STATES: China in International Institutions, 1980-2000. By Alastair Iain Johnston. Reviewed by Marc Lanteigne

THE CHINESE ECONOMY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Enterprise and Business Behaviour. Edited by Barbara Krug and Hans HendrischkeReviewed by David Ip

WORRYING ABOUT CHINA. The Language of Chinese Critical Inquiry. By Gloria Davies. Reviewed by Christopher Bush

FOR GODS, GHOSTS, AND ANCESTORS: The Chinese Tradition of Paper Offerings. By Janet Lee Scott.Reviewed by James A. Flath

CHINA AT WAR: Regions of China, 1937-45. Edited by Stephen R. MacKinnon, Diana Lary and Ezra F. Vogel.Reviewed by Chang-tai Hung

MAID TO ORDER IN Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers. By Nicole Constable.Reviewed by Jiemin Bao

Northeast Asia Back to Tags ^

PAN-asianism in modern japanese history: Colonialism, Regionalism and Borders. Edited by Sven Saaler and J. Victor Koschmann.Reviewed by Mark R. Peattie

LAW IN JAPAN: A Turning Point. Edited by Daniel H. Foote.Reviewed by Shigenori Matsui

CROSS CURRENTS: Regionalism and Nationalism in Northeast Asia. Edited by Gi-Wook Shin and Daniel C. Sneider.Reviewed by Gilbert Rozman

JAPANESE LOVE HOTELS: A Cultural History. By Sarah Chaplin.Reviewed by Jeffrey Alexander

A DISCONTENTED DIASPORA: Japanese Brazilians and the Meanings of Ethnic Militancy, 1960-1980. By Jeffrey Lesser.Reviewed by Mariko Nagoshi

THE MAKING OF MINJUNG: Democracy and the Politics of Representation in South Korea. By Namhee Lee.Reviewed by Yoonkyung Lee

RED ROGUE: The Persistent Challenge of North Korea. By Bruce E. Bechtol, Jr. Reviewed by John Feffer

South Asia & the Himalayas Back to Tags ^

THE CLASH WITHIN: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India’s Future. By Martha C. Nussbaum.Reviewed by Catherin Wilson

DANCING WITH GIANTS: China, India, and the Global Economy. Edited by L. Alan Winters and Shahid Yusuf.Reviewed by Ashok Kotwal

PAKISTAN: Social and Cultural Transformations in a Muslim Nation. By Mohammad Abdul Qadeer.Reviewed by Matthew A. Cook

Southeast Asia Back to Tags ^

SECURING SOUTHEAST ASIAN: The Politics of Security Sector Reform. By Mark Beeson and Alex J. Bellamy.Reviewed by Pierre P. Lizee.

BURMA’S MASS LAY MEDITATION MOVEMENT: Buddhism and the Cultural Construction of Power. By Ingrid Jordt.Reviewed by Ian Harris

DEMOCRACY AND NATIONAL IDENTITY IN THAILAND. By Michael Kelly Connors. Reviewed by Kasian Tejapira

TROUBLED RELATIONS: The United States and Cambodia since 1870. By Kenton Clymer. Reviewed by Karen L. Greene

CAMBODGE: The Cultivation of a Nation, 1860-1945. By Penny Edwards.Reviewed by Milton E. Osborne

MODERNITY AND MALAYSIA: Settling the Menraq Forest Nomads. By Alberto G. Gomes. Reviewed by Tim Bunnell

POWERS OF BLESSING FROM THE WILDERNESS AND FROM HEAVEN: Structure and Transformations in the Religion of the Toraja in the Mamasa Area of South Sulawesi. By Kees Buijs.Reviewed by Gregory Forth

INDONESIA BETRAYED: How Development Fails. By Elizabeth Fuller Collins.Reviewed by Michele Ford

ART AS POLITICS: Re-Crafting Identities, Tourism, and Power in Tana Toraja, Indonesia. By Kathleen M. Adams.Reviewed by Jill Forshee

Australasia & the Pacific Back to Tags ^

COERCIVE RECONCILIATION: Stabilise, Normalise, Exit Aboriginal Australia. Edited by Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson.Reviewed by Toon van Meijl

LIVING TOGETHER: Towards Inclusive Communities. Edited by Michelle Thompson-Fawcett and Claire Freeman.Reviewed by Neriko Doerr

LAND OF BEAUTIFUL VISION: Making a Buddhist Sacred Place in New Zealand. By Sally McAra.Reviewed by Ann Hardy

FACING THE PACIFIC: Polynesia and the U.S. Imperial Imagination. By Jeffrey Geiger. Reviewed by Heather Waldroup

WAYWARD WOMEN: Sexuality and Agency in a New Papua Guinea Society. By Holly Wardlow.Reviewed by Martha Macintyre

PENINA ULIULI: Contemporary Challenges in Mental Health for Pacific People. Edited by Philip Culbertson, Margaret Nelson Agee with Cabrini ‘Ofa.Reviewed by Robert J. Gregory

THE POWER OF PERSPECTIVE: Social Ontology and Agency on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. By Knut Mikjel Rio.Reviewed by Ilana Gershon