Volume 84 – No. 2

June 2011


Review Essays

Critical Dialogues

Film Reviews

Asia General Back to Tags ^


Building Asia’s Security. By Nick Bisley.
Reviewed by Denny Roy

Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific: Theory and Practice. By Sorpong Peou.
Reviewed by David Envall

Multination States in Asia: Accommodation or Resistance. Edited by Jacques Bertrand, André Laliberté.
Reviewed by Susan J. Henders

Globalizing in Hard Times: The Politics of Banking-Sector Opening in the Emerging World. By Leonardo Martinez-Diaz.
Reviewed by Malcolm Cook

Intercultural Relations in Asia: Migration and Work Effectiveness. Edited by Chan-Hoong Leong and John W. Berry.
Reviewed by Robert A. Didham

Legal Education in Asia: Globalization, Change, and Contexts. Editors: Stacey Steele and Kathryn Taylor.
Reviewed by Tom Ginsburg

Women’s Movements in Asia: Feminisms and Transnational Activism. Edited by Mina Roces and Louise Edwards.
Reviewed by Jennifer Chan

China & Inner Asia Back to Tags ^


China, the Developing World, and the New Global Dynamic. Edited by Lowell Dittmer, George T. Yu.
Reviewed by Lilly Kelan Lu

Dancing with the Dragon: China’s Emergence in the Developing World. Edited by Dennis Hickey and Baogang Guo.
Reviewed by Joshua Eisenman

The Future of China-Russia Relations. Edited by James Bellacqua.
Reviewed by Czeslaw Tubilewicz

Embattled Glory: Veterans, Military Families, and the Politics of Patriotism in China, 1949-2007. By Neil J. Diamant.
Reviewed by Lawrence N. Shyu

Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China’s New Class. By Joel Andreas.
Reviewed by Xiaowei Zang

In Search of Paradise: Middle-Class Living in a Chinese Metropolis. By Li Zhang.
Reviewed by Arianne Gaetano

China Watcher: Confessions of a Peking Tom. By Richard Baum.
Reviewed by Scott Kennedy

Cries of Joy, Songs of Sorrow: Chinese Pop Music and Its Cultural Connotations. By Marc L. Moskowitz.
Reviewed by Andreas Steen

Hong Kong’s Watershed: The 1967 Riots. By Gary Ka-wai Cheung.
Reviewed by John Carroll

Whither Taiwan and Mainland China: National Identity, the State, and Intellectuals. By Zhidong Hao.
Reviewed by Richard Weixing Hu

Political Conflict and Economic Interdependence Across the Taiwan Strait and Beyond. By Scott L. Kastner.
Reviewed by Steven Goldstein

The Sichuan Frontier and Tibet: Imperial Strategy in the Early Qing. By Yingcong Dai.
Reviewed by John Herman

Northeast Asia Back to Tags ^


Innovation and Change in Japanese Management. Edited by Parissa Haghirian.
Reviewed by Leonard Lynn

Changing Politics in Japan. By Ikuo Kabashima and Gill Steel.
Reviewed by Linda Hasunuma

The Supreme Court and Benign Elite Democracy in Japan. By Hiroshi Itoh.
Reviewed by Shigenori Matsui

Filling the Hole in the Nuclear Future: Art and Popular Culture Respond to the Bomb. Edited by Robert Jacobs.
Reviewed by Sandra Youssef

Korea’s Changing Roles in Southeast Asia: Expanding Influence and Relations. Edited by David I. Steinberg.
Reviewed by Jaehyon Lee

The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why it Matters. By B.R. Myers.
Reviewed by Thomas F. Cargill

South Asia & the Himalayas Back to Tags ^


Political Economy, Growth, and Liberalisation in India, 1991-2008. By Matthew McCartney.
Reviewed by Amitendu Palit

Khaki and the Ethnic Violence in India: Armed Forces, Police and Paramilitary Forces During Communal Riots. By Omar Khalidi.
Reviewed by Sohini Guha

Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons. By Bhumitra Chakma.
Reviewed by Rajshree Jetly

The Rise of Ethnic Politics in Nepal: Democracy in the Margins. By Susan I Hangen.
Reviewed by Sukh Deo Muni

Inside Nuclear South Asia. Edited by Robert S. Anderson.
Reviewed by Robert S. Anderson

Southeast Asia Back to Tags ^


Imperial Alchemy: Nationalism and Political Identity in Southeast Asia. By Anthony Reid.
Reviewed by Stein Tønnesson

Vietnam: Le Moment Moderniste. Sous la direction de Gilles de Gantes et Nguyen Phuong Ngoc.
Reviewed by Shawn F. McHale

Farming with Fire and Water: The Human Ecology of a Composite Swiddening Community in Vietnam’s Northern Mountains. Edited by Trân Dúc Viên, A. Terry Rambo, Nguyên Thanh Lâm; with the assistance of Neil L. Jamieson and Stephen J. Leisz.
Reviewed by Stan B-H Tan

Migrants for Export: How the Philippine State Brokers Labor to the World. By Robyn Magalit Rodriguez.
Reviewed by Leonora Angeles

Tai Lands and Thailand: Community and State in Southeast Asia. By Andrew Walker.
Reviewed by Ian G. Baird

Beyond Democracy in Cambodia: Political Reconstruction in a Post-Conflict Society. Edited by Joakim Öjendal and Mona Lilja.
Reviewed by Sorpong Peou

Rural Livelihoods, Resources and Coping with Crisis in Indonesia: A Comparative Study. Edited by Milan J. Titus & Paul P.M. Burgers.
Reviewed by Lesley Potter

Collective Violence in Indonesia. Edited by Ashutosh Varshney.
Reviewed by Jamie S. Davidson

Understanding Islam in Indonesia: Politics and Diversity. By Robert Pringle.
Reviewed by Sumanto Al Qurtuby

The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia. By Abidin Kusno
Reviewed by Deden Rukmana

Australasia & the Pacific Back to Tags ^


Tuamaka: The Challenge of Difference in Aotearoa New Zealand. By Joan Metge.
Reviewed by Fiona McCormack

Raupatu: The Confiscation of Maori Land. Edited by Richard Boast and Richard S. Hill.
Reviewed by Toon van Meijl

Pacific Ways: Government and Politics in the Pacific Islands. Edited by Stephen Levine.
Reviewed by Jaap Timmer

Migration and Transnationalism: Pacific Perspectives. Edited by Helen Lee and Steve Tupai Francis.
Reviewed by Paul Shankman

Cheap Meat: Flap Food Nations in the Pacific Islands. By Deborah Gewertz and Frederick Errington.
Reviewed by Eric K. Silverman

Oceanic Encounters: Exchange, Desire, Violence. Edited by Margaret Jolly Serge Tchérkezoff & Darrell Tryon.
Reviewed by A (Max) Quanchi

Substantial Justice: An Anthropology of Village Courts in Papua New Guinea. By Michael Goddard
Reviewed by Jean G. Zorn

Gunnar Landtman in Papua: 1910 to 1912. By David Lawrence.
Reviewed by Michael Goddard

After the Cult: Perceptions of Other and Self in West New Britain (Papua New Guinea). By Holger Jebens.
Reviewed by Lamont Lindstrom