Nicole George
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: Solomon Islands, gender, custom, peacebuilding, women peace and security, conflict, Pacific Islands
DOI: 10.5509/2024974-art6
This discussion examines how and why the peacebuilding environment in Solomon Islands presents profound constraints for women despite the promises of global, regional, and national policy stipulating the importance of this activity. The analysis draws on theories of scale to explain how gendered geometries of power are configured in the Solomon Islands peacebuilding environment. These power geometries are shaped by interplaying local and global factors and have limited the space that is open to women peacebuilders. A “crisis response” orientation to Australian-led conflict stabilization missions has been coupled with a national bureaucratic tendency to equate “customary governance” with peacebuilding. Both trends have augmented masculine power and constrained the space for women to engage in conflict mediation. As I show, these developments contradict United Nations Women Peace and Security principles, set out in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and localized in National Action Plans developed in Australia and in Solomon Islands. These expressly stipulate the importance of supporting women’s contributions to peacebuilding when conflict flares. The article’s analysis makes clear how women continue to push against these constraints but against overwhelming pressures. It concludes with the claim that conflict mediation processes can only be made more durable in Solomon Islands if the discriminatory gendered geometries of power identified are confronted and greater emphasis is placed on women’s customary authority and capacities as peacebuilders.
“我们作为女性领袖的呼声” :危机应对干预、习俗治理和所罗门群岛和平的男性化
关键词: 所罗门群岛、性别、习俗、和平建设、女性和平与安全、冲突、太平洋岛屿
本文探讨了所罗门群岛的和平建设环境如何以及为何对女性构成了深刻的限制,尽管在全球、地区和国家政策的承诺中都规定了这一活动的重要性。本文的分析采用了规模理论来解释所罗门群岛和平建设环境中的性别化的权力几何结构。这些权力几何结构是由相互作用的当地和全球因素形成的,并限制了对女性和平建设者开放的空间。澳大利亚领导的冲突稳定任务的“危机应对”导向与国家官僚主义将“习俗治理”等同于和平建设的倾向结合在了一起。这两种趋势都增强了男性权力,并限制了女性参与冲突调解的空间。正如我指出的,这些趋势与联合国安全理事会第 1325 号决议所阐明,并在澳大利亚和所罗门群岛制定的国家行动计划中得到本地化的联合国妇女和平与安全原则相矛盾。这些文件明确规定了在冲突爆发时支持妇女对建设和平做出贡献的重要性。本文的分析清楚地表明了女性如何继续对抗这些限制,但仍需面对巨大的压力。文章最后声明, 只有直面已经明确认定的歧视性性别权力格局,并更加重视妇女作为和平建设者的传统权威和能力,冲突调解进程在所罗门群岛才能更加持久。