Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Keywords: Section 377A, Singapore, homosexuality, LGBT, repeal, advocacy coalition
DOI: 10.5509.2023961105
This article discusses the repeal of Singapore’s Section 377A, the anti-gay sex law, which was announced by Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong during the 2022 National Day Rally. I contend that the declaration by PM Lee demonstrates the possibilities and limits of advocacy coalition-building in Singapore. Utilizing the concept of calibrated social liberalization, I postulate that the repeal of Section 377A was the government’s response to shifting societal attitudes and years of strategic and adroit advocacy coalitionbuilding. However, predicated upon this success is that LGBT issues are not critical to the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) legitimacy, which is why it is willing to allow for contestations in this sphere. The PAP engages in social liberalization, without significant political liberalization; even then, the cultural liberalization is not absolute, as the government attempts to strike a political-electoral compromise with conservatives. Ultimately, calibrated social liberalization occurs in areas where there is significant public support, and on issues regarding which the government has no clear ideological predispositions.
本论文讨论了由新加坡总理(PM)李显龙在2022年国庆日群众大会上亲自宣布的对《刑事法典》第377A节条款即禁止同性性行为法案的废除。 我认为李显龙总理的宣言表明了建立倡导联盟在新加坡的可能性与局限性。利用精准社会自由化的概念,我提出377A节条款的废除是政府对转变中的社会态度以及多年的策略性以及灵活的联盟建设做出的回应。然而,这个成功是基于女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋及跨性别者群体(LGBT)问题对于人民行动党(PAP)的合法性来说无关紧要这一点,而这也是它为什么会在这个问题领域上允许争议存在的原因。人民行动党搞社会自由化,但是并不推行重大的政治自由化;即便如此,文化的自由化也并不绝对,因为政府试图与保守派达成一个政治-选举上的妥协。最终,精心校准的社会自由化只会在有公众显著支持的领域以及政府并没有清晰的意识型态预设的问题上发生。
Translated by Li Guo
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