Ingenta Registration Instructions

The guides below will explain how to create an institutional registration, activate a subscription, and utilize the Administrator page.


In order to register and activate your journal subscriptions, please go to and click on ‘sign up here.’  Select the option for personal registration.

  • Enter your information in the fields provided.
  • Choose a username and password (username/password must be at least 5 characters).

Once you have entered in all relevant information, please click on ‘Register’.

You can then set up your subscriptions by clicking on  ‘Personal Subscriptions’, and then selecting the ‘Add’ tab.

  • Search for the journal title(s) you subscribe to.
  • Enter in your publisher subscription number, tick next to the journal title, and then press ‘add.’

You will then receive a confirmation message that your request has been received. An e-mail will then be sent out when access has been set up.

In order to access your institutional subscriptions online, you must first complete a simple one-time registration and activation process. This takes no more than a few minutes.

Important: If you are already registered with ingentaconnect and want to add a new title or renewing an existing subscription, please sign in with the administrator credentials and start at SECTION B – Step 1b.

If you appear to be signed in, this means you have been IP authenticated and your institution already has a registration.


In this case, you will need to use the link to Additional Sign In, and sign in using the Administrator login credentials.


Please contact if you do not know who your administrator is or if you have forgotten your administrator login details.

 A. Register – we need to know who you are

Go to:

Step 1: Enter Your Information

Enter your organizations’ information and your contact details as the administrator. Click Next.

Step 2: Authenticate IP Addresses

Authenticate IP addresses. Access to ingentaconnect can be set up by IP address or by user name and password. You may choose to use one or both of these authentication methods. IP authentication works in a way that will allow users to access institutional subscriptions without needing to login. A shared username and password will allow institutional users who are outside a certain IP range to still login and access institutional subscriptions. Check the box(es) next to the authentication method(s) that you would like and click Next.

Step 3: Create an Administrator Account

Create an Administrator User ID and Password. Please be sure to choose an administrator username that is transferable should a new administrator take your place (i.e. Fname-Lname is not a transferable username, OrganizationNameAdmin is a more transferable username). Check the box next to I agree to the terms and conditions and click Register.

Step 4: Confirm

Confirmation. Please take note of your customer ID number.

B. Update/Assign IP Ranges – Authentication

If you would like to update IP authentication for patron access, sign in as the administrator and navigate to the Administration Page.

Step 1: Go to Authentication

Click on the link 'Authentication.'

Step 2: Enter the IP Address

Type in your organizations IP addresses in the following format:

66.251.105.*; 91.230-234.41.5;; etc.

(Where the * serves as an all-inclusive range and #-# is a specific range, also, IPs are separated by a semi-colon)

For further help with institutional online activation/registration please see the following videos:

Institutional Registration

Institutional Subscription Activation



  1. 您作为机构管理员的基本联系信息;
  2. 您所在图书馆/机构的名称和地址——请确保输入邮政编码或区位码;
  3. 如果您希望通过IP地址登录使用订阅内容,请准备好IP地址/范围。

第一步: 机构和管理员的联系信息


第二步: 认证

认证信息:您想用何种方式登录使用您订阅的出版物? IngentaConnect登录可以通过两种方式来设定。您可以任选其中一种或是同时使用两种认证方法。

  1. IP地址/范围(用户通过机构管理员设定的IP范围内的电脑直接登录):您可能需要咨询您的网络管理员获取此信息。若IP地址或是范围超过一个,可以在每两者之间加分号“;”,如123.456.789;78.456.567.765-768。
  2. 用户名和密码。 这是学生/员工所共享的通用登录路径。


此登录的目的是使用管理员主页。在这个页面您可以设立支付账户、设定阅览登录办法、查看统计数据、设置提醒服务、变更管理员或是认证信息,或是设定图书馆徽标。管理员用户名必须与上一步中设定的共享用户名不同。 全部信息均已录入后,请在“我同意Ingenta的条款和条件”( “I agree to Ingenta‟s terms and conditions”)一栏中打勾,并点击“注册”(”Register‟)键。




现在您可以点击“设置订阅杂志”(“set up subscriptions”)链接来添加您机构订阅期刊的名单。请搜索或是浏览你所订阅的杂志的名称。



您就会在屏幕上收到一条消息,确认已经接收到了您的请求。 经出版商或是其代理对您的使用杂志请求进行验证后,确认信息会通过电子邮件发送到您在注册过程中提供的地址上。一旦订阅杂志使用请求通过验证,该出版物的名称就会出现在你现有的订阅杂志清单中。

今后如您还要提请使用更多的订阅出版物,请您移步到 并通过管理员用户名和密码进行登录。一旦登录成功,您就会进入到IngentaConnect的管理员主页上,可以选择“设置订阅杂志” (“set up subscriptions”)链接来激活设置阅览订阅杂志的路径。在提交您的阅览请求之前,您需要搜索该出版物的名称,并输入您的订阅/用户/会员号。 您的阅览请求会被发往出版商进行验证,当阅览权被授予后,您会收到电子邮件通知。


如您委托期刊预订代理代您设定阅览账户,请您登录www.ingentaconnect.com并使用您的管理员用户名/密码登录。下一步请选择“使用预订代理激活您的阅览账户”(“Activate your access using your Subscription Agent”) 链接,并勾选您代理的姓名旁边的空格。您的代理会收到您希望他们为您激活阅览账户的通知。