Volume 83 – No. 4

December 2010


Review Essays

Critical Dialogues

Film Reviews

Asia General Back to Tags ^


ASIA’S NEW MULTILATERALISM: Cooperation, Competition, and the Search for Community. Edited by Michael J. Green and Bates Gill.
Reviewed by Narayanan Ganesan

PREVENTING CORRUPTION IN ASIA: Institutional Design and Policy Capacity. Edited by Ting Gong and Stephen K. Ma. Reviewed by Howard W. Dick

PRESCHOOL IN THREE CULTURES REVISITED: China, Japan, and the United States. By Joseph Jay Tobin, Yeh Hsueh and Mayumi Karasawa.
Reviewed by Merry White

HORROR TO THE EXTREME: Changing Boundaries in Asian Cinema. Edited by Jinhee Choi and Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano. Reviewed by Greta Niu

China & Inner Asia Back to Tags ^


CHINA’S REFORMS AT 30: Challenges and Prospects. Edited by Dali L. Yang and Litao Zhao. Reviewed by Prem Shankar Jha

SOCIALIST CHINA, CAPITALIST CHINA: Social Tension and Political Adaptation under Economic Globalization. Edited by Guoguang Wu and Helen Lansdowne. Reviewed by C. Cindy Fan

INEQUALITY AND PUBLIC POLICY IN CHINA. Edited by Björn A. Gustafsson, Li Shi, Terry Sicular. Reviewed by Xiaogang Wu

CREATING WEALTH AND POVERTY IN POSTSOCIALIST CHINA. Edited by Deborah S. Davis, Wang Feng. Reviewed by Xiaogang Wu

FROM IRON FIST TO INVISIBLE HAND: The Uneven Path of Telecommunications Reform in China. By Irene S. Wu. Reviewed by Milton Mueller

CHINA’S RISE IN THE WORLD ICT INDUSTRY: Industrial Strategies and the Catch-up Development Model. By Lutao Ning. Reviewed by Shahid Yusuf

GATED COMMUNITIES IN CHINA: Class, Privilege and the Moral Politics of the Good Life. By Choon-Piew Pow. Reviewed by Delia Davin

DIASPORIC HISTORIES: Cultural Archives of Chinese Transnationalism. Edited by Andrea Riemenschnitter and Deborah L. Madsen.
Reviewed by Philip Holden

FRACTURED REBELLION: The Beijing Red Guard Movement. By Andrew G. Walder. Reviewed by Guobin Yang

THE GENERALISSIMO: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China. By Jay Taylor. Reviewed by Shao-Kang Chu

TWO SUNS IN THE HEAVENS: The Sino-Soviet Struggle for Supremacy, 1962-1967. By Sergey Radchenko. Reviewed by Elizabeth Wishnick

CHINA’S LAST EMPIRE: The Great Qing. By William T. Rowe.
Reviewed by Matthew Mosca

Reviewed by Emma J. Teng

Northeast Asia Back to Tags ^


JAPAN IN THE WORLD: Shidehara Kijuro, Pacifism, and the Abolition of War, Volume 1. By Klaus Schlichtmann; translated by William Carter.
Reviewed by Tosh Minohara

JAPAN IN THE WORLD: Shidehara Kijuro, Pacifism, and the Abolition of War, Volume 2. By Klaus Schlichtmann; translated by William Carter.
Reviewed by Tosh Minohara

JAPAN’S PEACE-BUILDING DIPLOMACY IN ASIA: Seeking a More Active Political Role. By Peng Er Lam. Reviewed by David Martin Jones

THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN JAPAN: Past Developments and Future Prospects. By Toshihiro Ihori and Takero Doi. Reviewed by Charles J. McMillan

THE JAPANESE CONSUMER: An Alternative Economic History of Modern Japan. By Penelope Francks. Reviewed by Jeffrey Alexander

POLITICS AND PITFALLS OF JAPAN ETHNOGRAPHY: Reflexivity, Responsibility, and Anthropological Ethics. Edited by Jennifer E. Robertson.
Reviewed by Patricia G. Steinhoff

THE SEARCH FOR RECONCILIATION: Sino-Japanese and German-Polish Relations since World War II. By Yinan He. Reviewed by Yoshiko Nozaki

THE GROWTH IDEA: Purpose and Prosperity in Postwar Japan. By Scott O’Bryan.. Reviewed by Lonny E. Carlile


NORTHERN TERRITORIES, ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL CONFLICTS, AND THE ALAND EXPERIENCE: Untying the Kurillian Knot. Edited by Kimie Hara and Geoffrey Jukes. Reviewed by David Wolff

CULTURAL STUDIES AND CULTURAL INDUSTRIES IN NORTHEAST ASIA: What a Difference a Region Makes. Edited by Chris Berry, Nicola Liscutin and Jonathan Mackintosh. Reviewed by John A. Lent

YOUNG WOMEN IN JAPAN: Transitions to Adulthood. By Kaori H. Okano. Reviewed by Dawn Grimes-MacLellan

SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONS IN ASIA: The Social History of Mongolia in the 20th Century. By Irina Y. Morozova. Reviewed by Joakim Enwall

DEMOCRACY AND SOCIAL CHANGE: A History of South Korean Student Movements, 1980-2000. By Mi Park. Reviewed by Paul Y. Chang

DIASPORA WITHOUT HOMELAND: Being Korean in Japan. Edited by Sonia Ryang and John Lie. Reviewed by Kristin Surak

GENDER AND LABOUR IN KOREA AND JAPAN: Sexing Class. Edited by Ruth Barraclough, Elyssa Faison. Reviewed by Jesook Song

SITINGS: Critical Approaches to Korean Geography. Edited by Timothy R. Tangherlini and Sallie Yea. Reviewed by Hong Kal

JAPANESE ASSIMILATION POLICIES IN COLONIAL KOREA, 1910-1945. By Mark E. Caprio. Reviewed by Todd A. Henry

THE RED ROOM: Stories of Trauma in Contemporary Korea. By Pak Wôn-sô; O Chông-hûi and Im Ch‘ôr-u; Translated by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton; with a foreword by Bruce Cumings. Reviewed by Christopher Hanscom

THE PROLETARIAN GAMBLE: Korean Workers in Interwar Japan. By Ken C. Kawashima Reviewed by Jae-won Sun

THE DYNAMICS OF CHANGE IN NORTH KOREA: An Institutionalist Perspective. Edited by Philip H. Park. Reviewed by Jae-Cheon Lim

NOTHING TO ENVY: Ordinary Lives in North Korea. By Barbara Demick. Reviewed by Erich Weingartner

ORGANIZING AT THE MARGINS: The Symbolic Politics of Labor in South Korea and the United States. By Jennifer Jihye Chun. Reviewed by Joonmo Cho

South Asia & the Himalayas Back to Tags ^


SOUTH ASIA: Rising to the Challenge of Globalization. By Pradumna B. Rana and John Malcolm Dowling. Reviewed by Mitu Sengupta

GLOBALISATION AND THE MIDDLE CLASSES IN INDIA: The Social and Cultural Impact of Neoliberal Reforms. By Ruchira Ganguly-Scrase and Timothy J. Scrase. Reviewed by Henrike Donnerr

ACCELERATING GROWTH AND JOB CREATION IN SOUTH ASIA. Edited by Ejaz Ghani and Sadiq Ahmed. Reviewed by Matthew McCartney

KINGS OF THE FOREST: The Cultural Resilience of Himalayan Hunter-Gatherers. By Jana Fortier. Reviewed by Walter Huber

Southeast Asia Back to Tags ^


America in Vietnam: The War that Couldn’t Be Won. By Herbert Y. Schandler.
Reviewed by Gary R. Hess

The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. By James C. Scott. Reviewed by Carlo Bonura

Spirits of the Place: Buddhism and Lao Religious Culture. By John Clifford Holt. Reviewed by Patrice Ladwig

Across the Causeway: A Multi-dimensional Study of Malaysia-Singapore Relations. Edited by Takashi Shiraishi. Reviewed by Hussin Mutalib

Singapore: The Unexpected Nation. By Edwin Lee; introduction by Wang Gungwu. Reviewed by Kenneth Paul Tan

The Binding Tie: Chinese Intergenerational Relations in Modern Singapore. By Kristina Goransson. Reviewed by Jason Lim

State of Authority: The State in Society in Indonesia. Edited by Gerry Van Klinken and Joshua Barker. Reviewed by Nadirsyah Hosen

The Indonesia Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Edited by Tineke Hellwig and Eric Tagliacozzo. Reviewed by Timothy P. Barnard

Silenced Voices: Uncovering a Family’s Colonial History in Indonesia. By Inez Hollander. Reviewed by Suzanne Moon

Friends and Exiles: A Memoir of the Nutmeg Isles and the Indonesian Nationalist Movement. By Des Alwi; edited by Barbara S. Harvey.
Reviewed by Michelle Ann Miller

Australasia & the Pacific Back to Tags ^


The Native Title Market. By David Ritter.
Reviewed by Stephen Grant Baines

Glamour in the Pacific: Cultural Internationalism and Race Politics in the Women’s Pan-Pacific. By Fiona Paisley. Reviewed by Helen Bethea Gardner

Natives and Exotics: World War II and Environment in the Southern Pacific. By Judith A. Bennett. Reviewed by Paul Shankman

In the Wake of the Beagle: Science in the Southern Oceans from the Age of Darwin. Edited by Iain McCalman and Nigel Erskine.
Reviewed by Alexander Mawyer