Volume 84 – No. 3

September 2011

Special Issue

Becoming Urban: Periurban Dynamics in Vietnam and China

Guest Editors: John Friedmann


Review Essays

Critical Dialogues

Film Reviews

Asia General Back to Tags ^


STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS IN ASIA: Balancing Without Alliances. By Vidya Nadkarni. Reviewed by Mel Gurtov

FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS IN THE ASIA PACIFIC. Edited by Christopher Findlay and Shujiro Urata. Reviewed by Rahul Sen

CHINA AND INDIA IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION. By Shalendra D. Sharma. Reviewed by Stuart Corbridge

CHINA IN OCEANIA: Reshaping the Pacific? Edited by Terence Wesley-Smith and Edgar A. Porter. Reviewed by Philippa Brant

GETTING THE TRIANGLE STRAIGHT: Managing China-Japan-US Relations. Edited by Gerald Curtis Ryosei Kokubun and Wang Jisi. Reviewed by Scott Snyder

SOUTHEAST ASIA AND THE RISE OF CHINESE AND INDIAN NAVAL POWER: Between Rising Naval Powers. Edited by Sam Bateman and Joshua Ho. Reviewed by Harsh V. Pant

BANDUNG 1955: Little Histories. Edited by Antonia Finnane and Derek McDougall. Reviewed by Christopher J. Lee

China & Inner Asia Back to Tags ^


CHINA IN THE 21ST CENTURY: What Everyone Needs to Know. By Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom. Reviewed by Stephanie Donald

COMPETING CHINESE POLITICAL VISIONS: Hong Kong vs. Beijing on Democracy. By Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo Reviewed by Jing Sun

ALLIES OF THE STATE: China’s Private Entrepreneurs and Democratic Change. By Jie Chen and Bruce J. Dickenson. Reviewed by Yongnian Zheng

CHINA’S NEW SOCIAL POLICY: Initiatives for a Harmonious Society. Edited by Zhao Litao and Lim Tin Seng.Reviewed by Sophia Woodman

CHINA’S RISE IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. Edited by Brantly Womack. Reviewed by Dong Wang

AS CHINA GOES, SO GOES THE WORLD: How Chinese Consumers Are Transforming Everything. By Karl Gerth. Reviewed by Li Zhang

MAINSTREAM CULTURE REFOCUSED: Television Drama, Society, and the Production of Meaning in Reform-Era China. By Zhong Xueping. Reviewed by Ruoyun Bai

Northeast Asia Back to Tags ^


JAPAN IN WORLD HISTORY. By James L. Huffman. Robert Eskildsen 564 AN INTRODUCTION TO JAPANESE SOCIETY. By Yoshio Sugimoto. Reviewed by Bernard Bernier

IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP IN JAPAN. By Erin Aeran Chung. Reviewed by Richard Sidldle

MINORITIES AND EDUCATION IN MULTICULTURAL JAPAN: An Interactive Perspective. Edited by Ryoko Tsuneyoshi, Kaori H. Okano and Sarane Boocock. Reviewed by Yoko Yamamoto

POSTWAR HISTORY EDUCATION IN JAPAN AND THE GERMANYS: Guilty Lessons. By Julian Dierkes. Margaret Dorothea Mehl Reviewed by Margaret Dorothea Mehl

NATURE’S EMBRACE: Japan’s Aging Urbanites and New Death Rites. By Satsuki Kawano. Reviewed by Leng Leng Thang

MANUFACTURING MODERN JAPANESE LITERATURE: Publishing, Prizes and the Ascription of Literary Value. By Edward Mack Reviewed by Hosea Hirata

JAPANESE WOMEN, CLASS AND THE TEA CEREMONY: The Voices of Tea Practitioners in Northern Japan. By Kaeko Chiba Reviewed by Kristin Surak

THE KOREAN ECONOMY IN TRANSITION: An Institutional Perspective. By O Yul Kwon Reviewed by Paul W. Kuznets

SOUTH KOREA SINCE 1980. By Uk Heo, Terence Roehrig. Reviewed by Daniel C. Kane

ADOPTED TERRITORY: Transnational Korean Adoptees and the Politics of Belonging. By Eleana J. Kim Reviewed by Tobias Hübinette

CONSUMING KOREAN TRADITION IN EARLY AND LATE MODERNITY: Commodification, Tourism, and Performance. Edited by Laurel Kendall Reviewed by Don Baker

DELIVERANCE AND SUBMISSION: Evangelical Women and the Negotiation of Patriarchy in South Korea. By Kelly H. Chong Reviewed by Sean (Chong Bum) Kim

ENGAGEMENT WITH NORTH KOREA: A Viable Alternative. Edited by Sung Chull Kim, David C. Kang. Reviewed by Peter M. Beck

South Asia & the Himalayas Back to Tags ^


HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEACE: Ideas, Laws, Institutions and Movements. Edited by Ujjwal Kumar Singh. Reviewed by Mohammad Sajjad Hassan

POWER AND INFLUENCE IN INDIA: Bosses, Lords and Captains. Editors: Pamela Price, Arild Engelsen Ruud. Reviewed by Pahi Saikia

Southeast Asia Back to Tags ^


CULTURES AT WAR: The Cold War and Cultural Expression in Southeast Asia. Edited by Tony Day and Maya H.T. Liem. Reviewed by Hyung-Gu Lynn

IN BUDDHA’S COMPANY: Thai Soldiers in the Vietnam War. By Richard A. Ruth. Reviewed by Michael Jerryson

COMMUNION: A Culinary Journey Through Vietnam. By Kim Fay. Reviewed by Delores B. Phillips

CONSTRUCTING SINGAPORE: Elitism, Ethnicity and the Nation-Building Project. By Michael D. Barr and Zlatko Skrbi. Reviewed by You Yenn Teo

REFRACTED VISIONS: Popular Photography and National Modernity in Java. By Karen Strassler. Reviewed by Maurizio Peleggi

Australasia & the Pacific Back to Tags ^


BEING ROTUMAN IN AUSTRALIA: Cultural Maintenance in Migration. By Agnes Hannan. Reviewed by Donald H. Rubinstein

LOOKING THROUGH ANCESTORS’ EYE-HOLES: Epistemic Body-Mind-Spirit and Discourse Formations Among the Lau’m of West Sepik, Papua New Guinea. By Paschal Yolwo Ebiwe Tumai Ounau Wia Waisi. Reviewed by Roger Ivar Lohmann

MY GOD, MY LAND: Interwoven Paths of Christianity and Tradition in Fiji. By Jacqueline Ryle. Reviewed by Lynda Newland

MIGRATING GENDERS: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa’ afafine. By Johanna Schmidt. Reviewed by Susan J. Wurtzburg