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2010 Holland Prize Recipient: Erin Aeran Chung
Workers or Residents? Diverging Patterns of Immigrant Incorporation in Korea and Japan
2009 Holland Prize Recipients: Charles Weathers and Scott North
Overtime Activists Take on Corporate Titans: Toyota, McDonald’s and Japan’s Work Hour Controversy
2008 Holland Prize Recipients: Alan Smart and Josephine Smart
Time-Space Punctuation: Hong Kong’s Border Regime and Limits on Mobility
2007 Holland Prize Recipient: Hy V. Luong
The Restructuring of Vietnamese Nationalism, 1954-2006
2006 Holland Prize Recipients: Christl Kessler and Jürgen Rüland
Responses to Rapid Social Change: Populist Religion in the Philippines
2005 Holland Prize Recipient: Paul Waley
Ruining and Restoring Rivers: The State and Civil Society in Japan
2004 Holland Prize Recipients: Anita Chan and Hong-zen Wang
The Impact of the State on Workers’ Conditions – Comparing Taiwanese Factories in China and Vietnam
2003 Holland Prize Recipient: Ademola Adeleke
The Strings of Neutralism: Burma and the Colombo Plan
2002 Holland Prize Recipient: Jacques Bertrand
Legacies of the Authoritarian Past: Religious Violence in Indonesia’s Moluccan Islands
Review Essay Now Available
As a tribute to the memory of Benedict Anderson, we are releasing Apichai Shipper’s Review Essay “Anarchist Discourse in Asian Studies” ahead of publication.