Volume 81 – No. 4

December 2008

Review Essays

Critical Dialogues

Film Reviews

Asia General Back to Tags ^

ELECTIONS AS POPULAR CULTURE IN ASIA. Edited by Chua Beng Huat.Reviewed by John Fuh-Sheng Hsieh

ENERGY SECURITY IN ASIA. Edited by Michael Wesley. Reviewed by Shoichi Itoh

THE STATE, DEVELOPMENT AND IDENTITY IN MULTIETHNIC SOCIETIES: Ethnicity, Equity and Nation. Edited by Nicholas Tarling and Edmund Terence Gomez.Reviewed by Hyung Gu Lynn

THE INCLUSIVE CITY: Infrastructure and Public Services for the Urban Poor in Asia. Edited by Aprodicio A. Laquian, Vinod Tewari and Lisa M. Hanley.Reviewed by Ya Ping Wang

RUPTURED HISTORIES: War, Memory, and the Post-Cold War in Asia. Edited by Sheila Miyoshi Jager and Rana MitterReviewed by Kerry Smith

MODERN EAST ASIA: An Introductory History. By John H. Miller.Reviewed by Colin Mackerras

PACIFIC ASIA IN QUEST OF DEMOCRACY. By Roland Rich.Reviewed by Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao

WHAT’S THE USE OF ART?: Asian Visual and Material Culture in Context. Edited by Jan Mrazek and Morgan Pitelka.Reviewed by Melinda Takeuchi

GLOBAL MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE: European and Asian Leadership. By Cesar de Prado.Reviewed by Shaun Narine

WORLD CLASS WORLDWIDE: Transforming Research Universities in Asia and Latin America. Edited by Philip G. Altbach and Jorge Balan.Reviewed by Michael J. Seth

EXPLORING CROSS-NATIONAL ATTRACTION IN EDUCATION: Some Historical Comparisons of American and Chinese Attraction to Japanese Education. By Jeremy Rappleye; series editor, David Phillips.Reviewed by Barbara Schulte

PEACE PARKS: Conservation and Conflict Resolution. Edited by Saleem H. Ali; foreword by Julia Marton-LeFevre.Reviewed by Jack Patrick Hayes

THE TATTOOING ARTS OF TRIBAL WOMEN. By Lars Krutak.Reviewed by Teri Sowell

China & Inner Asia Back to Tags ^

BUSINESS NETWORKS AND STRATEGIC ALLIANCES IN CHINA. Edited by Stewart Clegg, Karen Wang and Mike Berrell.Reviewed by Gordon Redding

THE CHINESE IN BRITAIN, 1800-PRESENT: Economy, Transnationalism, Identity. By Gregor Benton and Edmund Terence GomezReviewed by Pal Nyiri

SINO-JAPANESE RELATIONS. Interaction, Logic, and Transformation. By Ming Wan.Reviewed by Peng-Er Lam

CRIES IN THE DRIZZLE: A Novel. By Hua Yu; translated and with preface by Allan H. Barr.Reviewed by Hua Li

INNOVATION AND THE STATE: Political Choice and Strategies for Growth in Israel, Taiwan and Ireland. By Dan Breznitz.Reviewed by Seab O’Riain

Northeast Asia Back to Tags ^

JAPANESE EXPORTS AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT: Imperfect Competition in International Markets. By Hideki Yamawaki.Reviewed by Eric D. Ramstetter

SOFT POWER AND ITS PERILS: U.S. Cultural Policy in Early Postwar Japan and Permanent Dependency. By Takeshi Matsuda.Reviewed by Owen Griffiths

JAPAN’S FOREIGN POLICY SINCE 1945 . By Kevin Rooney.Reviewed by Chris Hughes

JAPANESE RELIGIONS IN AND BEYOND THE JAPANESE DIASPORA . Edited by Ronan Alves Pereira and Hideaki Matsuoka.Reviewed by Ian Reader

ANOTHER JAPAN IS POSSIBLE: New Social Movements and Global Citizenship Education. Edited by Jennifer Chan.Reviewed by Akihiro Ogawa

ESCAPE FROM WORK: Freelancing Youth and the Challenge to Corporate Japan. By Reiko Kosugi; translated by Ross Mouer.Reviewed by Robin O’Day

SOCIAL WELFARE IN JAPAN: Principles and Applications. By Kojun Furukawa. Reviewed by Aya Ezawa

RESOLVE THE RUSSO-JAPANESE TERRITORIAL DISPUTE: Hokkaido-Sakhaline Relations. By Brad Williams.Reviewed by William Nester

JAPANESE POPULAR MUSIC: Culture, Authenticity, and Power. By Carolyn S. Stevens.Reviewed by Jennifer Milioto Matsue


ASEAN-KOREA RELATIONS: Security, Trade and Community Building. Edited by Ho Khai Leong.Reviewed by Inkyo Cheong

ECONOMIC SANCTIONS AGAINST A NUCLEAR NORTH KOREA: An Analysis of United States and United Nations Actions Since 1950. Edited by Suk Hi Kim and Semoon Chang.Reviewed by Ramon Pachego Pardo

NORTH KOREA’S SECOND NUCLEAR CRISIS AND NORTHEAST ASIAN SECURITY. Edited by Seung-Ho Joo and Tae-Hwan Kwak.Reviewed by Yasuhiro Izumikawa

A MOMENT OF CRISIS: Jimmy Carter, the Power of a Peacemaker, and North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions. By Marion Creekmore Jr., with an introduction by Jimmy Carter.Reviewed by Wade L. Huntley

South Asia & the Himalayas Back to Tags ^

COMMUNALISM, CASTE AND HINDU NATIONALISM: The Violence in Gujarat. By Ornit Shani.Reviewed by Dawn H. Currie

Southeast Asia Back to Tags ^

LANGUAGE, NATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Edited by Lee Hock Guan and Leo Suryadinata.Reviewed by Nancy J. Smith-Hefner

FORGOTTEN WARS: Freedom and revolution in Southeast Asia. By Christopher Bayly and Tim Harper.Reviewed by Eric Tagliacozzo

PRIVATIZATION IN MALAYSIA. Regulation, Rent-Seeking and Policy Failure. By Jeff Tan.Reviewed by Boo-Teik Khoo

LAND AND LONGHOUSE: Agrarian Transformation in the Uplands of Sarawak. By R.A. Cramb.Reviewed by Christine Padoch

ASEAN-CHINA ECONOMIC RELATIONS Edited by Saw Swee-Hock.Reviewed by Alice D. Ba

Australasia & the Pacific Back to Tags ^

ORPHANS OF THE LIVING: Growing up in ‘Care’ in Twentieth-Century Australia. By Joanna Penglase.Reviewed by Lise Garond

ANCESTRAL LINES: the Maisin of Papua New Guinea and the Fate of the Rainforest. By John Barker.Reviewed by Anna-Karina Hermkens

GENDER, CHRISTIANITY AND CHANGE IN VANUATU: An Analysis of Social Movements in North Ambrym. By Annelin Eriksen.Reviewed by John Barker

MAKING SENSE OF AIDS: Culture, Sexuality, and Power in Melanesia. Edited by Leslie Butt and Richard Eves.Reviewed by Nancy Sullivan